深度探索DxFramework 3-1

Table of Contents


第3章 步入二维游戏的世界 1

3.1 二维动画的原理





3.2 基础数学工具


#pragma once
#include "globals.h"
#include "error.h"
/* MSVC6 cannot use the overloaded
operators due to a compiler bug/feature */
#if _MSC_VER < 1300
template< class T >
class VECTOR2
   VECTOR2() {}
   VECTOR2(const T& x, const T& y) : x(x), y(y) {}
   VECTOR2(const D3DXVECTOR2& v) : x((T)v.x), y((T)v.y) {}
   inline D3DXVECTOR2 ToD3DXVECTOR2() const
       return D3DXVECTOR2((float)x,(float)y);
   inline VECTOR2 operator- () const
       return VECTOR2(-x, -y);
   inline VECTOR2 operator+ (const VECTOR2& v) const
       return VECTOR2(this->x + v.x, this->y + v.y);
   inline VECTOR2 operator- (const VECTOR2& v) const
       return VECTOR2(this->x - v.x, this->y - v.y);
   inline VECTOR2 operator* (const VECTOR2& v) const
       return VECTOR2(this->x * v.x, this->y * v.y);
   inline VECTOR2 operator/ (const VECTOR2& v) const
       return VECTOR2(this->x / v.x, this->y / v.y);
   template < class U >
   inline VECTOR2 operator+ (const U& a) const
       return VECTOR2(this->x + a, this->y + a);
   template < class U >
   inline VECTOR2 operator- (const U& a) const
       return VECTOR2(this->x - a, this->y - a);
   template < class U >
   inline VECTOR2 operator* (const U& a) const
       return VECTOR2(this->x * a, this->y * a);
   template < class U >
   inline VECTOR2 operator/ (const U& a) const
       return VECTOR2(this->x / a, this->y / a);
   inline void operator+= (const VECTOR2& v)
       this->x += v.x;
       this->y += v.y;
   inline void operator-= (const VECTOR2& v)
       this->x -= v.x;
       this->y -= v.y;
   inline void operator*= (const VECTOR2& v)
       this->x *= v.x;
       this->y *= v.y;
   inline void operator/= (const VECTOR2& v)
       this->x /= v.x;
       this->y /= v.y;
   inline bool operator== (const VECTOR2& v) const
       return ((this->x == v.x) && (this->y == v.y));
   inline bool operator!= (const VECTOR2& v) const
       return ((this->x != v.x) || (this->y != v.y));
   template < class U >
   inline void operator+= (const U& a)
       this->x += a;
       this->y += a;
   template < class U >
   inline void operator-= (const U& a)
       this->x -= a;
       this->y -= a;
   template < class U >
   inline void operator*= (const U& a) {
       this->x *= a;
       this->y *= a;
   template < class U >
   inline void operator/= (const U& a)
       this->x /= a;
       this->y /= a;
   template < class U >
   inline bool operator== (const U& a) const
       return ((this->x == a) && (this->y == a));
   template < class U >
   inline bool operator!= (const U& a) const
       return ((this->x != a) || (this->y != a));
   template < class U >
   inline VECTOR2 ScalarAddition(const U& a) const
       return VECTOR2(this->x + a, this->y + a);
   template < class U >
   inline VECTOR2 ScalarSubtraction(const U& a) const
       return VECTOR2(this->x - a, this->y - a);
   template < class U >
   inline VECTOR2 ScalarMultiplication(const U& a) const
       return VECTOR2(this->x * a, this->y * a);
   template < class U >
   inline VECTOR2 ScalarDivision(const U& a) const
       return VECTOR2(this->x / a, this->y / a);
   template < class U >
   inline bool IsEqualTo(const U& a) const
       return ((this->x == a) && (this->y == a));
   template < class U >
   inline bool IsNotEqualTo(const U& a) const
       return ((this->x != a) || (this->y != a));
   inline XFLOAT DistanceTo(const VECTOR2& v) const
       return sqrt(pow(this->x - v.x,2) +
                   pow(this->y - v.y,2));
   inline XFLOAT AngleTo(const VECTOR2& v) const
       if ((v.x - this->x) == 0)
           throw Error( _T("AngleTo going to
                       divide by zero!"),
                       __FILE__, __LINE__ );
       XFLOAT angle = atan((v.y - this->y)/(v.x - this->x));
       if ((v.x - this->x) < 0)
           angle += D3DX_PI;
       return angle;
   inline XFLOAT Magnitude() const
       return sqrt(pow(x,2) + pow(y,2));
   inline void Normalize()
       XFLOAT m = Magnitude();
       if (m <= VECTOR2_ZERO_TOLERANCE)
           m = 1;
       x /= m;
       y /= m;
       if (abs(x) < VECTOR2_ZERO_TOLERANCE) x = 0;
       if (abs(y) < VECTOR2_ZERO_TOLERANCE) y = 0;
   //令两矢量为V1(x1,y1) V2(x2,y2)
   //sqrt( X1*X2*X1*X2+y1*y2*y1*y2 ),
   inline XFLOAT DotProduct(const VECTOR2& v)
       return ((*this) * v).Magnitude(); //错误的计算方式
   inline XFLOAT CrossProduct(const VECTOR2& v)
       return (this->x * v.y) - (this->y * v.x);
   T x;    //矢量的x分量
   T y;    //矢量的y分量
typedef VECTOR2< int > IVECTOR2;   //整数类型的二维矢量
typedef VECTOR2< float > FVECTOR2; //单精度类型的二维矢量
typedef VECTOR2< double > DVECTOR2;    //双精度类型的二维矢量
template< class T >
tstring toTString(const VECTOR2< T >& v)
   return tstring( _T("(") + toTString(v.x) + _T(",") +
                   toTString(v.y) + _T(")"));

3.3 基本的颜色理论

3.3.1 颜色的基本要素

3.3.2 颜色模型

3.4 DxFramework的纹理类

3.4.1 纹理的基本概念


在日常生活中,人们经常使用名词“纹理”来表示某个物体的光滑度或粗糙度。在计算机图形学中,纹理指的是一张表示物体表面细节的位图。在这里请注意这个位图不单单指Windows平台上以bmp为后缀名的图像文件格式。而“纹理贴图”(texture mapping)作为一个动宾式短语理解时,可以理解为使用图像,函数,或者是其他的数据源来改变物体的外观。



3.4.2. 跨度和宽度




DirectX提供了检测显卡支持最大纹理宽度的功能。使用IDirect3DDevice8::GetDeviceCaps(D3DCAPS8* pCaps)函数和D3DCAPS8结构体能检测到当前的显卡的能力,如下:

D3DCAPS8 d3dCaps;
m_pd3dDevice->GetDeviceCaps( &d3dCaps );
map<tstring, TextureInfo>	C_Texture::infoMap; //纹理信息映射表
C_Texture::C_Texture(const tstring& saveFileName, int width, int height)
    multipleLevel = false;
    this->filename = saveFileName;
    this->width = width;
    this->height = height;
    texture = NULL;

    if (infoMap.size()) 
    {	    //要确保在已创建的纹理中,没有和要创建的纹理的名字同名
        if(infoMap.find(filename) != infoMap.end())
            TextureInfo temp = infoMap[filename];

            // 检查要创建的纹理的高度,宽度,multipleLevel
            // 是否和已存在的同名纹理相等如果不相等的话,则抛出异常。
            if ((multipleLevel != temp.multipleLevel) || (width != temp.imageInfo.Width) ||   (height != temp.imageInfo.Height)) 
                    hrow Error(_T("C_Texture(): tried to load same texture with different width or height or multipleLevel"));

            texture = infoMap[filename].texture;
            ++(infoMap[filename].count); //引用计数加1

    TextureInfo info;
    HRESULT hr = D3DXCreateTexture(C_View::p_D3DDevice, width, height, 0, D3DX_DEFAULT, D3DFMT_A8R8G8B8, D3DPOOL_MANAGED, 
    if (FAILED(hr))  
            throw Error(_T("CreateNewTexture(): D3DXCreateTexture "),__FILE__,__LINE__,hr);
    info.count = 1;
    info.multipleLevel = multipleLevel;
    info.colorKey = NULL;
    info.imageInfo.Width = width;
    info.imageInfo.Height = height;

    texture = info.texture;
    infoMap[filename] = info;
    p_Pixels = NULL;

分析完了上面的构造函数,重点分析库函数D3DXCreateTexture。第四个参数是mip level的设定,当其值为0或者是D3DX_DEFAULT的时候,完全的mipmap chain将会被创建。第五个参数,指定了纹理的Usage。第六个参数指定了纹理的像素格式,如下图,第七个参数设定为D3DPOOL_MANAGED,表示纹理将交给Direct3D进行管理。

C_Texture::C_Texture(const tstring& filename, bool multipleLevel, D3DCOLOR colorKey)
    this->multipleLevel = multipleLevel;
    this->filename = filename;
    texture = NULL;

    if (infoMap.size())
        if (infoMap.find(filename) != infoMap.end())
            if ((multipleLevel != infoMap[filename].multipleLevel) || (colorKey != infoMap[filename].colorKey)){
                throw Error(_T("C_Texture(): tried to load same texture with different multipleLevel or colorKey"));

            // 如果要创建的纹理的属性和已存在的同名纹理的都相等,那么表示该纹理已经从磁盘文件中载入并创建对本纹理的引用计数加1
            texture = infoMap[filename].texture;

    HRESULT	hr;
    TextureInfo	info;
    tstring	pathname(IMAGE_DIR + filename);

    // 如果没有载入的话,则从磁盘文件中载入纹理图像数据根据是否使用多级渐进纹理,使用不同的创建标志
    if (multipleLevel)
        hr =D3DXCreateTextureFromFileEx(C_View::p_D3DDevice, pathname.c_str(), 0, 0, D3DX_DEFAULT, 0, D3DFMT_A8R8G8B8, 
            D3DPOOL_MANAGED, D3DX_DEFAULT, D3DX_DEFAULT, colorKey, &(info.imageInfo),NULL, &(info.texture));
        // 对于2D项目而言,纹理的高宽值就不限定非得要2的整数次方大小。
        hr =D3DXCreateTextureFromFileEx(C_View::p_D3DDevice, pathname.c_str(), 0, 0, 1, 0, D3DFMT_A8R8G8B8, 
                D3DPOOL_MANAGED, D3DX_FILTER_NONE, D3DX_DEFAULT, colorKey, &(info.imageInfo), NULL, &(info.texture));

    if (FAILED(hr)) 
        throw Error(_T("CreateNewTexture(): D3DXCreateTextureFromFileEx ") + pathname,__FILE__,__LINE__,hr);

    info.count = 1;
    this->width = info.imageInfo.Width;
    this->height = info.imageInfo.Height;
    info.colorKey = colorKey;
    info.multipleLevel = multipleLevel;
    texture = info.texture;
    infoMap[filename] = info;
    p_Pixels = NULL;

void C_Texture::PurgeTextures(bool shutdown) 
    map<tstring, TextureInfo>::iterator iter = 

    while (iter != infoMap.end()) 
        if ((*iter).second.count < 0)
            throw Error(_T("texture count less than 0!"));

        if ((*iter).second.count == 0 || shutdown) 
#ifdef _DEBUG
            if ((*iter).second.count > 0) 
                Error e = Error(_T("texture count for ") + (*iter).first + _T(" on shutdown purge greater than 0!"));
            tstring filename = (*iter).first;
            IDirect3DTexture8* texture =  (*iter).second.texture; 

int C_Texture::GetWidth() 
    return infoMap[filename].imageInfo.Width;

int C_Texture::GetHeight()
    return infoMap[filename].imageInfo.Height;

tstring C_Texture::GetFilename()
    return filename;

IDirect3DTexture8* C_Texture::GetTexture() 
    return texture;
void C_Texture::BeginDrawing()
    if (multipleLevel)
    {     //首先要确保多级渐进纹理是不能被绘制的
            Error( _T("C_Texture::BeginDrawing : Cannot begin drawing for multiple resolution level texture"));

    ZeroMemory(&lockedRect, sizeof(lockedRect));

    HRESULT hr = texture->LockRect(0, &lockedRect, NULL, 0);

    // Check if we can lock 原来的代码少了“throw语句”,bug    
    if (FAILED(hr)) 
        throw Error(_T("C_Texture::BeginDrawing: Cannot lock texture"));

    pitch = lockedRect.Pitch; 
    p_Pixels = (unsigned char *)lockedRect.pBits; 

void C_Texture::EndDrawing()
    if (multipleLevel)
        Error( _T("C_Texture::EndDrawing : Cannot end drawing for multiple resolutionlevel created texture"));

    pitch = 0;
    p_Pixels = NULL;

void C_Texture::SaveToFile() 
    if (multipleLevel) 
        Error( _T("C_Texture::SaveToFile : Cannot save the texture for multiple resolution level texture"));

    if (p_Pixels != NULL) 
        Error(_T("C_Texture::SaveToFile : Cannot save while drawing, use EndDrawing before you call this function"));

    tstring nameTemp = IMAGE_DIR + filename;
    HRESULT hr = D3DXSaveTextureToFile(nameTemp.c_str(),D3DXIFF_BMP, texture, NULL);
    if (hr != D3D_OK) 
        Error(  _T("C_Texture::SaveToFile : Cannot save texture")); 

void C_Texture::ObtainARGBFromColor(DWORD color, unsigned char *p_A, unsigned char *p_R, unsigned char *p_G, unsigned char *p_B)
    //从高位到低位,分别是A R G B

    *p_B = (unsigned char) (color & 255);
    color = color >> 8; //右移8位

    *p_G = (unsigned char) (color & 255);
    color = color >> 8; //再右移8位

    *p_R = (unsigned char) (color & 255);
    color = color >> 8;//再右移8位

    *p_A = (unsigned char) (color & 255);

void C_Texture::PutPixel(int x, int y, DWORD color)
   if (p_Pixels == NULL)
       Error( _T("C_Texture::PutPixel :
              Cannot draw pixel before calling

   if ((x < 0) || (y < 0) || (x >= width) || (y >= height))
   *((DWORD *)&p_Pixels[y * pitch + (x << 2)]) = color;

DWORD C_Texture::GetPixel(int x, int y) {
   if (p_Pixels == NULL) {
       Error(_T("C_Texture::GetPixel : Cannot get pixel
             before calling BeginDrawing"));
   if ((x < 0) || (y < 0) ||
       (x >= width) || (y >= height))
       return 0;
   return *((DWORD *)&p_Pixels[y * pitch + (x << 2)]);
void C_Texture::Bar(int x1, int y1, int x2,
                   int y2, DWORD color)
   if (p_Pixels == NULL)
       Error(_T("C_Texture::Bar : Cannot draw bar
                 before calling BeginDrawing"));
   // Perform simple clip
   if (x1 < 0) x1 = 0;
   if (y1 < 0) y1 = 0;
   if (x2 >= width) x2 = width - 1;
   if (y2 >= height) y2 = height - 1;
   if ((x1 >= width) || (y1 >= height)
      || (x2 < 0) || (y2 < 0) )
   int i, j;
   for (i = y1; i <= y2; i++)
       for (j = x1; j <= x2; j++)
       *((DWORD *)&p_Pixels[i * pitch + (j << 2)]) = color;
void C_Texture::Rectangle(int x1, int y1, int x2,
                           int y2, DWORD color)
   int i;
   for (i = x1; i <= x2; i++)
       PutPixel(i, y1, color);
       PutPixel(i, y2, color);
   for (i = y1; i <= y2; i++)
       PutPixel(x1, i, color);
       PutPixel(x2, i, color);


直线生成算法有很多,在PC平台上应用最为广泛的是DDA(数字微分分析法digital differential analyzer)算法和Bresenham算法。Bresenham算法的关键在于要弄清楚在有限的屏幕分辨率的屏幕,或者在“纹理逻辑视图”上绘制一条线段的时候,线段上某一个点,当绘制到屏幕或纹理上时,所绘制的像素或者是texel可能在真实点位置之上,也可能在真实点位置之下。也可能正好对应。所绘制的像素或者时texel与真实线段之间的偏差称为这条线段在这点上的“误差”(error)。当绘制线段的过程,从一个像素点或者是texel点进行到下一个像素点或者是texel上的时候,这个误差将用来作一个更加精确的近似——将一个给定的像素或texel在水平或者垂直方向,或者两个方向上同时,移动一个单位,背离前面绘制的一个点。









void C_Texture::Line(int x1, int y1, int x2,  int y2, DWORD color)
    //使用Bresenham algorithm算法
    int currentX = x1;
    int currentY = y1;
    int deltaX;
    int deltaY;
    int signDX;
    int signDY;
    int temp;
    int num2DYAfter;
    int num2DYm2DXAfter;
    bool swapXY = false;

    if (y2 < y1) {
        signDY = -1; 
    } else if (y1 < y2) {
        signDY = 1; 
    } else {
        signDY = 0;

    if (x2 < x1) {
        signDX = -1; 
    } else if (x1 < x2) {
        signDX = 1; 
    } else {
        signDX = 0;

    PutPixel(x1, y1, color);

    deltaX = abs(x2 - x1);
    deltaY = abs(y2 - y1);

    // Temporary for calculation
    temp = 2 * (deltaY - deltaX);

    if (deltaY > deltaX) {
        swap(deltaX, deltaY);
        swapXY = true;

    // deltaX > deltaY, after swap
    num2DYAfter = 2 * deltaY;
    num2DYm2DXAfter = 2 * (deltaY - deltaX);
    // Loop along the longer axis to draw pixels
    // 沿着比较长的轴逐个绘制像素
    for (int i = 1; i <= deltaX; i++) 
        if (temp < 0)
            if (swapXY) {
                currentY += signDY;
            } else {
                currentX += signDX;

            PutPixel(currentX, currentY, color);
            temp += num2DYAfter;
            currentX += signDX;
            currentY += signDY;
            PutPixel(currentX, currentY, color);
            temp += num2DYm2DXAfter;

void C_Texture::Circle(int x, int y, 
                        int radius, DWORD color)
    // Use Midpoint Circle algorithm
    int currentDX = 0;
    int currentDY = radius;
    int tempCal = 1 - radius;

    // Plot 4 starting points
    PutPixel(x, y + radius, color);
    PutPixel(x, y - radius, color);
    PutPixel(x + radius, y, color);
    PutPixel(x - radius, y, color);

    while (currentDX < currentDY) {
        if (tempCal < 0) {
            tempCal += 2 * currentDX + 1;
        } else {
            tempCal += 2 * (currentDX - currentDY) + 1;

        // Plot 8 points
        PutPixel(x + currentDX, y + currentDY, color);
        PutPixel(x + currentDX, y - currentDY, color);
        PutPixel(x - currentDX, y + currentDY, color);
        PutPixel(x - currentDX, y - currentDY, color);
        PutPixel(x + currentDY, y + currentDX, color);
        PutPixel(x + currentDY, y - currentDX, color);
        PutPixel(x - currentDY, y + currentDX, color);
        PutPixel(x - currentDY, y - currentDX, color);

void C_Texture::Ellipse(int x, int y, int radiusX, 
                        int radiusY, DWORD color)
    int radiusXP2 = radiusX * radiusX;
    int radiusYP2 = radiusY * radiusY;

    int radiusXP2m2 = radiusXP2 * 2;
    int radiusYP2m2 = radiusYP2 * 2;

    int currentDX = 0;
    int currentDY = radiusY;
    int tempX = 0;
    int tempY = radiusXP2m2 * radiusY;
    // Plot top and bottom most pixel
    PutPixel(x, y - radiusY, color);
    PutPixel(x, y + radiusY, color);

    int temp;

    // Draw the region where magnitude of the slope of the
    //tangent line to the ellipse is less than 1
    temp = (int)round(radiusYP2 - 
                    (radiusXP2 * (radiusY - 0.25)));
    while (tempX < tempY) 
        tempX += radiusYP2m2;
        if (temp < 0) {
            temp += radiusYP2 + tempX;
        } else {
            tempY -= radiusXP2m2;
            temp += radiusYP2 + tempX - tempY;
        PutPixel(x + currentDX, y + currentDY, color);
        PutPixel(x + currentDX, y - currentDY, color);
        PutPixel(x - currentDX, y + currentDY, color);
        PutPixel(x - currentDX, y - currentDY, color);

    // Draw the rest
    temp = (int)round(radiusYP2 * (currentDX + 0.5) * 
                (currentDX + 0.5) + radiusXP2 * 
                (currentDY - 1) * (currentDY - 1) 
                - radiusYP2 * radiusXP2);

    while (currentDY > 0)
        tempY -= radiusXP2m2;
        if (temp > 0) {
            temp += radiusXP2 - tempY;
        } else {
            tempX += radiusYP2m2;
            temp += radiusXP2 - tempY + tempX;
        PutPixel(x + currentDX, y + currentDY, color);
        PutPixel(x + currentDX, y - currentDY, color);
        PutPixel(x - currentDX, y + currentDY, color);
        PutPixel(x - currentDX, y - currentDY, color);

void C_Texture::FloodFill(int x, int y, DWORD color) 
    // Check if the point is in the screen or not

    int tempX, tempY;
    queue<int> xQueue;
    queue<int> yQueue;
    DWORD areaColor = GetPixel(x, y);

    while (!xQueue.empty()) {
        tempX = xQueue.front();
        tempY = yQueue.front();

        if ((tempX >= 0) && (tempY >= 0) && 
            (tempX < width) && (tempY < height) && 
            (GetPixel(tempX, tempY) == areaColor)) 
            PutPixel(tempX, tempY, color);

            xQueue.push(tempX - 1);

            xQueue.push(tempX + 1);

            yQueue.push(tempY - 1);

            yQueue.push(tempY + 1);
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